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Shipping Policy

Thank you for shopping at Highly Western Private Limited

Here are some key points from Highly Western Private Limited shipping policy:

Shipping Methods:

Highly Western Private Limited offers various shipping methods, including Standard Shipping (7 to 10 Days), Two-Day Shipping, One-Day Shipping, Same-Day Delivery

Shipping Costs:

Shipping costs on Highly Western Private Limited depend on factors like the shipping method selected, the shipping address, the size and weight of the items.

Shipping Times:

Highly Western Private Limited provides estimated delivery times based on the selected shipping method and the shipping address. These estimates are displayed during the checkout process and may vary based on factors like item availability, order processing time, and shipping carrier performance.

Order Processing:

Highly Western Private Limited order processing time includes order verification, payment processing, and packaging. The time it takes to process an order can vary based on the items ordered, their availability, and the shipping method selected.

Lost or Delayed Shipments:

If a shipment is lost or delayed, Highly Western Private Limited's customer service team can assist in tracking the package, filing claims with the shipping carrier if necessary, and providing updates to the customer regarding the status of their shipment.